The role of the professional in the ministry

By Randell Tiongson on July 4th, 2017

Many of us have been taught bad math.

We’ve learned two formulas in particular which lead to a lack of clarity about what God wants to do in and through us.

We’ve learned that “Great Commission = clergy” and “professional = laity.”

The almost inevitable result of this bad math is to think the people who hold real value in God’s eyes are the clergy, the full-time ministry workers. After all, we are told, they are all about “the Lord’s work,” and they serve Him in “full-time ministry.”

The flip-side of our conclusion is that, sure, laypeople have some value, but it’s more about the money they make (and give as tithes and offerings) or the abilities they have (“hey, would you be interested in volunteering in ushering or kids church?”).

But that’s not what the Bible teaches! Look at what Peter writes in 1 Pet. 2:9, and then get ready to jump for joy (out of your nice office chair, or off of your workplace, or… well, you get my point). Did you read it? If you are not jumping for joy, maybe this can help.

The “you” Peter calls chosen and royal and holy and belonging to God are not clergy. They are laity! He is writing about the whole body of Christ, not just a select few. In other words, the “you” is YOU! You the business professional, the worker, the executive, everyone! God has chosen YOU to proclaim His excellencies.

The calling and privilege is not merely reserved for a few full-time ministry workers. It’s for bankers and stock brokers, financial advisors and call center agents, teachers and doctors and engineers and lawyers and entrepreneurs and business people. It’s for YOU!

Have you considered how you can best leverage your work, your skills, your career, your company for the sake of God’s glory among your society, the nation and the world?

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

1 Peter 2:9, ESV



2 thoughts on “The role of the professional in the ministry”

  • Very well said sir Randell. The bible and this verse speak of the “priesthood of all believers”. The great Commission is not given to a few but to all. The question that the Christian professional must answer is, “am I a professional that happens to be a Christian? Or am I a Christian that happens to be a professional?”

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The role of the professional in the ministry