Picture perfect

By Randell Tiongson on August 21st, 2010

I just needed to blog this.

Earlier, we had a ‘picture-perfect’ moment in my family. In our small bed, our 2 boys squeezed in and this is the picture: my wife Mia was reading a Christian Book (Chinkee Tan’s new book Rich God, Poor God), my 8 year-old son was reading his Bible while my youngest son Chino, aged 5 years old was lying on top of me as we share the earphones of my iPhone and we listened to Praise and Worship music.

I was truly elated at this experience and this is a picture that will forever be etched in my heart. Also, earlier in the morning, my teen daughters went to our room to ask their mom to pray over them as one of them was awaken by a bad dream. Last night, my daughters took part of the youth service at Victory Green Hills.

As fathers, we are often burdened by the pressures of providing for the family. While many of us can be great providers financially, it is sad that many fathers limit their provision on something that is financial in nature. While it is our responsibility to make sure that our children are fed, clothed and educated… our provisions should be expanded way beyond finances.

Here’s a responsibility which I believe should be given utmost priority by fathers — Spiritual provision. We must provide spiritual covering for our family… pray for them and instill the love and fear of God in them. We must truly make Christ the center of our family first and foremost.

The picture I described earlier was a good reminder about our real priorities as parents: to raise God loving and God fearing children with Jesus Christ as the model.

Thank you Lord for this responsibility.


5 thoughts on “Picture perfect”

  • Yes Randell I really commend you on this…all fathers should realize what you have just discovered, having responsibility to raise their children to put our awesome God to be the center of their lives not just providing for their financial needs but to guide them as well…We are really a steward from our wealth down to our children…God gave them to us for a purpose…God bless!

  • Amen! I praise God for the work He is doing in your life and your family. 🙂

  • Amazing….can’t wait for amanda to grow up. i’m sure we’re gonna have a lot of picture perfect moments too. right now at almost 3 months old she likes listening to christian songs, 🙂

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Picture perfect