Did You Really Save On That Seat Sale Flight?

By Randell Tiongson on July 28th, 2016

Most Filipinos are always on the lookout for seat sales because it’s an affordable way to go abroad. Who wouldn’t be tempted? A ticket from Manila to Cebu can cost up to Php4,488.76 for a regular flight but can cost as low as Php402 when booked through a seat sale. That’s a total of Php 4,086.76 in savings.

This will be applicable in the near future because most of us will be booking our seat sales for the upcoming holiday season. Most airlines are releasing their seat sale promos as early as now to entice people to book their flights.


What most people fail to realize is that one can save on all aspects of the trip. There are many reasons that one can still overspend during the trip because of the emphasis that they already saved on the airfare. Some reasons can also be overlooked because it doesn’t seem it was an opportunity to overspend, but in reality, people spent more than they should have.

Here are the instances you spent more than you should on a seat sale trip:

You did not save on the other aspects of the trip.

Were you able to book discounts for your hotel or hostel? Did you get a group discount for tours during the trip? There are a lot more expenses in the trip that you can get discounts for. Some hotels offer big discounts when they are filling out accommodations in the building. One example is 27% off at Dorsett Mongkok in Hong Kong during summer because the hotel is filling out accommodations in the 27th floor of the building.

Your credit card incurred interest.

If you paid for your seat sale ticket through a credit card and got an interest charge from the bank due to late payments, you will incur additional expenses. The amount may seem insignificant since monthly interest rates on credit cards are usually 3-4%, but this would still equate to lost money no matter how small the amount is.

You extended your trip because the cheaper seats are pegged during weekdays.

A longer vacation due to finding slots for cheaper airfare can equate to having more expenses with a longer travel time. This includes accommodation, fees for activities, and food.

The travel dates that you’ve taken will be non-paid leaves.

“If you are taking a non-paid leave from your full-time job for the trip, you end up losing money,” says Kristine Cenidoza, an HR professional who loves to travel. For example, with a daily rate of Php1,000.00 for an employee and booking a flight out during a Thursday morning, that could equate to Php2,000.00 if those leaves are not paid and you shelled out Php402 for the airfare.

Final Thoughts

Overspending can be avoided through proper planning. Think a lot first before doing impulse buying on seat sale flights. This should make you free from worry and make you enjoy your vacation more instead of getting buyer’s remorse after the trip.

Plan trips properly and always remember that balance is key. Why enjoy today and suffer tomorrow? Budget your money well. If you have properly saved up for a trip and that trip will not cause financial turmoil, then go and enjoy that vacation you have always wanted. As with anything related to personal finance, wisdom is key.


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2 thoughts on “Did You Really Save On That Seat Sale Flight?”

  • I love this article, Sir Randell! When I booked a RT ticket to Seoul for this January 2018 for only P2,300+, I made sure to pay it in full and on time so as to not incur any consumer debt interest. 🙂 Thank you for this timely article. Will share!

  • Thanks Randell for this article. Indeed, apart from the airfare cost there are aspects of the travel that are overlooked. When we travel, I found it more economical to plan and book our own travel itinerary rather than relying from city/travel tours because we choose our own route at our convenient time which results to more savings on the transportation/food cost while enjoying more vacation time. Thank for reminding us of planning ahead before going to that vacation escapade.

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Did You Really Save On That Seat Sale Flight?