My thoughts for the next generation, part 2

By Randell Tiongson on July 15th, 2010

Recently, we were reminded that we need to instill stricter discipline in the area of savings for our children. In a recent business trip in Hong Kong, my wife chanced upon some nice piggy banks and she bought 2 to be brought back home. I was under the impression that my wife bought it for our young children but I was surprised when she told me that it was for us, not for the boys. She reminded me that our children must see us being faithful in filling up the piggy banks so that they too will follow suit. I thought that I was doing a good job in reminding my small children to save but apparently I was wrong. When my boys saw that their mom were faithfully adding coins and bills in or piggy bank, they became more conscious in adding to theirs. I saw my young boys more passionate in filling up their piggy banks now, more than ever. To my surprise, I also saw my 2 teen-aged daughters start their own piggy banks a few days ago. While we always remind them to start their storehouses earlier, we sometimes feel that it falls on deaf ears. My daughters’ participation to the Blue Chip, a financial literacy program for the youth also encouraged them – a program we suggested they attend. If we see that our children learn how to save, we can be confident that they will have a bright future ahead of them.

Why are so many of us finding ourselves wanting? Why is it that we find ourselves trapped in life’s maze? Why are so many of us lost? This is true not just in the psychological aspect; it is also true for our financial situation, as well. Why are we always lacking? Why are we buried in debt? Why are we unsure of the future? These are common questions we often wonder about, me included.

Here’s a thought: If we were guided and taught properly as children, would we become better adults? What if someone instructed us patiently in the area of money management in our youth, would our financial standing be better today? What if we were raised as a disciple of Christ in our formative years, would we have avoided a lot of the mistakes we foolishly found ourselves into? I don’t know about the others, but I can definitely answer YES!

We need to be deliberate in teaching the next generation—help mold values that will be critical for their future. How? Teach them, remind them and let them experience the learning by assimilating how we live our lives.

“Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation.”— Joel 1:3, NIV.


My thoughts for the next generation, part 1

By Randell Tiongson on July 13th, 2010

During Sunday service at our church in Victory Green Hills, there was something that caught my attention and left me in awe. At the back of my seat was a very cute 1 year + old baby name Gabby Lo.  She was really a charmer, always smiling and cheeks that you want to pinch – such a beautiful baby. During praise and worship, I saw this beautiful child raising both of her arms in a worshipping gesture and I am certain that she is so into worship.

There’s something that reminded me about Gabby’s antics; that a child really learns by examples and by mimicry. Any parent will agree that we can’t just teach our children by telling them, we need to show them. In the arena of personal finance, many of our habits are derived from the way we were raised, both good and bad. Yes, external environment also dictates our behavior but the way we were raised leaves a lasting imprint in us, especially our money habits. Young children mimic their parents and their elders all the time. I often see my young boys trying to mimic my antics which is why I must always be careful with my behavior when I am with them.

I have 4 children of varying ages and I have seen how their behaviors change over the years. I have also seen how they behave when it comes to money. I have learned that as parents, we must always remind them about proper money management and they must always see that we are responsible in handling our finances all the time. We always remind our children that we need to prioritize our money and allocate accordingly – this helps us make our children realize that they are not being deprived of the things they yearn for because we try to make them understand priorities. As parents, it is easy to go overboard and I am just as guilty as many other parents… I find pleasure in buying things my children like and if I don’t keep that in check, I will teach them the wrong values.

… to be continued.
